Monday, September 15, 2008

Force Feedback!

So, we have been doing this show now a little shy of two month. We have had a lot of growth and a lot of positive feedback. We love hearing from the fan(s). Hell, we even love hearing from the not so fan(s). We have received some very helpful feedback so far and we're open to more. Also, if you have thoughts on anything we talk about, tell us! Write us an email or send us an MP3 of you talking. If we like it or find it interesting, we might just put it on the show. Hell, we will likely put it on the show regardless...

Here's a great example. We have received feedback that people want more of us just discussing topics and less of us doing the list. So in place of the list, we're just going to pick topics to discuss. The future of the list is undecided, but we'll like just make that a once a month thing or maybe cut it all together depending on the continued feedback we receive.

So, have something to say? Say it! You can always post a comment here or you can email us at kneelbeforepod at gmail dot com.

Thanks for the support!

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