Monday, October 27, 2008

Cheap weekly post.

I just got home from working some overtime. I had to watch inmates pee in a cup for random drug tests. I've never had so much fun, and at the same time, it was an incredibly easy freeze (when an officer is forced to work overtime, we call it a freeze...I get froze about once a month...sometimes for a short big, like today, sometimes for a whole shift). As such, you're getting a shorty this week.

I really liked this week's Clone Wars episode. I don't know if it was just a good episode, of if the fact that it was about the clones automatically made it better. Have to wait and see, I guess. This is probably my favorite episode so far.

I saw the first snow of the season a few minutes ago. Part of my wants to complain, "It's too early for snow." The smart part of me argues, "No, it's almost November...that's how the weather acts." I do like snow though.

Oh. The show this week. We're going to be talking about cyborgs, and why they are awesome. It's going to be a short show, most likely, because I'm working more than a double Wednesday for some training. I'm gonna be hella-tired, so shut up.

WoW Zombies are awesome.

And so are 3-day weekends.

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