Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Left 4 Quickie

The Holidays are here, so I'm a little preoccupied. But I do have this to say...

I said on the show that the Ravenholm level of Half-Life 2 is one of the scariest and most nerve-wracking levels in all of video games (feel free to debate on the board). Now, imagine that, with real zombies instead of face-hugged mutants...and that's the whole game! Left 4 Dead will leave you breathless and sweaty from exertion, feeling like you really have pumped countless rounds into the walking dead while running across a city for your life and the narrow hope of escape. Like Carl said, the story here is survival, and that's really all you need. The different kinds of zombies suggest a science-based origin, but it's never explained, and that's alright. They all die the same, right?

It's a hell of a lot of fun to play single-player. I can't imagine what online-multi will be like.

Ryan's score: 7.5 out of 10.


  1. weird coincidence. I just played through the Ravenholm level of HL2 for the first time last night. I have to say, the leaping mutants scared the shit out of me, far more than a hunter leaping at me from across the room. The most likely reason for this being that a) i'm used to hunters diving at me and b) HL2 is a far more disturbing and creepy game than L4D.

    Glad your having fun with it!

  2. Yeah, HL2 is creepier, but L4D is fucking nerve-wracking. Very little downtime between swarms, limited weapons, no places to hide and regroup outside of the safe houses...I'm sorry but it damn near gave me a panic attack.

    Oh, have you registered for our forum? That would be a much better place for this discussion...
