Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So, I made a decision...

Yeah, I've been drinking. But I made this decision while sober (hungover, but still in my right mind). This is a life-changing decision. Something that will impact me for years (hopefully) to come. Want to know what it is? Fuck off.

No seriously.

I'll tell you what it is.

Once a week, I work in a housing unit that helps give the state money. Some of the inmates work within the Dog Program. This means that for a variable period of time, these inmates (not all of them, like 15, maybe) care for dogs until they get adopted. This care involves training them. House-breaking them, teaching them to sit, stay, lay down. Whatever.

A dog caught my eye. Small, older, laid-back. I saw it on Sunday. Last night (Monday) I worked in there again, and I paid more attention to it. I asked its handler about it. It was a her, and her name was Molly. A good name for a dog, I think. She's 6 years old, a Beagle-mix, and very calm. I think she's the dog for me right now.

The best thing about these prison dogs is that, besides the training, is that they get their shots, they get "fixed," and they get accustomed to being around people and other dogs. And being in that housing unit every week, I know the inmate how takes care of her and I know that she hasn't been mistreated while she's been there.

Also, prison dogs are only $45. A good deal.

So, yeah. I'm not going to bring her home until after the first of the year, which gives me time to think about this decision. It also gives me some time to save money up to take care of her. Being as old as she is, she'll have special needs, which I want to be able to cater to.

But why do I want a dog? Companionship, more than anything else. Carl can't be around all the time, and I get lonely much of the time. Responsibility as well, since I won't be able to drink nearly as much with another life to take care of.

I'm excited, to say the least. I grew up with dogs, and I've been wanting one since my parents had to put their last pup down.

This will be updated as often as I can.


  1. Hurray! Dogs are by far the best companions. They love you no matter what you do. I hope it all works out for you. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

  2. Plus they are also delicious and nutritious!

  3. That is why I got a dog. It does get a little lonely in a home after a while. It is always nice to come home to unconditional love and attention.
    I have had plenty of crappy roommates. It sucks when you have to listen to your roomates problems and drama. All you want to say is "I really don't care".
    Snickers changed my mind on roommates. He may not help pay the bills, but he is much more fun than previous roommates.
