Monday, March 15, 2010

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 tips for new players

While hello there little Billy/Janey. I understand that you are interested in playing Battlefield: Bad Company 2, but are afraid you'll look like a complete n00b. Well, of course there is always a learning curve when you start playing a new game, but there are a few tips I can give you that will make your score and self-confidence rise! A lot of the tips I am about to give you are covered on loading screens in some way or another, but I am listing them here because apparently a lot of you don't read them or need them explained more clearly. So here are just a few basic things to help you and your team.

Socialize, socialize, socialize- No, I don't mean use team chat to talk about what toppings you should get on your pizza or asking that guy you just shot if he's mad. There is actually a "socialize" button (default binding "q") that will help you, your team and your score. It is the by far the most overlooked way of getting easy points in the game. It's quite simple though and I have faith you can use it. Any time you have an enemy in your sights, simply press "q." This will actually make your character shout out that he has a target. At that point, a nice little red triangle will appear above his head which not only makes him easier for you and your teammates to spot, but makes him appear on mini-map making it harder to sneak up on people. Not only is this a useful tool in team tactics, but you also get skill points as a reward. If you spot a target and it is killed, you will receive a spot assist bonus. So even if you don't do a lick of damage to the target, you're still getting points. You can also use this button to set objectives for your squad, which will allow you to get squad objective bonus points. So in short, shout out every bad guy you see!

When in doubt, blow it up- One of the key features in Bad Company 2 is the destructible maps. This can really be used to your advantage, especially if you're an engineer or recon solider with mortar strike. If you think you saw movement in a building, blow it up. If you don't see any friendly triangles in the area, just let loose a mortar strike or blow the roof off the house with some RPGs. This is also handing when attacking in a conquest map. If the objective is in a building and the enemy is bunkered down, simply bring down the building. A few well placed rockets or mortars will completely knock down the structure, destroying your objective and usually anyone unlucky enough to be in the building.

Bullets are heavy- Unlike other games that apparently assume that you're in a vacuum without gravity, the rounds fired in Bad Company 2 have weight and friction. This is especially important for low level recon snipers without unlocked scopes. Simply put, the further away the target is, the higher you have to aim. With some practice, you will find the sweet spot for your sniper rifle and be able to drop a bullet on some poor schmoe's head from halfway across the map using your stock scope. This is also important to keep in mind with explosive rounds like tank fire and RPGs. Many times you will have to aim slightly above your target so you don't drop the round a few feet in front of your target.

Tanks have armor- This seems like a no brainer. Of course tanks are armored. The important thing to keep in mind though is the armor isn't the same thickness all the way around. Armored vehicles are designed for a face to face exchange of fire, so the front of these death machines have more armor than the sides or back. So if you want to get the most bang for your buck, attempt to approach the tank from the side or back, then let loose your rocket. This will greatly increase your damage and unless they are paying close attention, it will make it harder for them to locate you for a counter attack. Be sneaky, the game will reward you for it.

Don't be Rambo- You are not a one man army. Sure, if you go lone wolf you might get some cool kills from sneaking up behind people and knifing them in the back, but it will catch up with you. There is strength in numbers. Overwhelm your enemy with shear force if possible. If you need more reason to stick together, nearly every action that is rewarded with skill points has a squad bonus. This means if you assist a squad mate with a kill, heal them or achieve an objective with them, you will receive more skill points. Not only is it a good tactic to stick together, but the game rewards you for sticking together.

Catch up with old friends- Again, in the spirit of sticking together, there are more benefits to be had from squad mates. Not only can they heal you or assist you in a kill, but each one of your squad mates is a walking respawn point. Not only can you spawn from your team's starting point or any control points you might control, but you can actually select a squad mate and spawn right next to them. This allows you to get further behind enemy lines in less time. Just be careful not to spawn into the middle of a mortar strike...

There you have it. These are all very basic tips, but they are easy to overlook and the benefits aren't always spelled out. Hopefully now you will be spotting enemies and bringing down buildings like a pro. Or at the very least, hopefully I will have less reason to curse at my teammates...

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